Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Our science topic this half term is forces.  We all had fun exploring push and pull forces using play dough, sorting toys and investigating how a water wheel / toy car / paper aeroplane moves.

Check out our photos and then test your knowledge about forces by playing the game and taking the quiz.

Forces on PhotoPeach

Click on the picture to play the game and take the quiz.



  1. Wow year 1, you know so much about forces! It is night time in New Zealand, so tomorrow at school I am going to see how the Geckos get on with your forces quiz, I think they will love it! From Mrs Cooper.

  2. Hi Year 1, we loved seeing your photos of forces. Did you bring your own toys to school for sorting? Your game/quiz was great, we loved it when the horse crashed into the brick wall, all our class laughed. From Gecko Room.

    1. All the toys were Mrs Longhawn's as she has two boys aged 8 and 10 who said she could borrow them if year 1 looked after them carefully. Next week we are going to bring in a toy to draw. You will have to log back on and see what you think of our observational drawings as I know you have been doing observational drawings with leaves.

  3. this game is fabulous because it is

  4. i loved the monkey making cause it was realy fun tiegan.
