Monday, 20 May 2013

Aztec learning

Last week year 1 were lucky enough to be invited by Year 5 to share all their Aztec learning.  Year 5 had produced a powerpoint presentation on the Aztecs using the fizz notebooks and made a game to test the knowledge gained by their young students.  I was so impressed by year 5 and their super teaching skills.  You made the learning so much fun. Year 1 were superstar listeners and were able to test their learning on all the fun games.  We all had a great time year 5 thank you.

Year 5 Aztec learning on PhotoPeach

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Using music symbols

This week in music we have been using symbols to tell us how to play our instruments.   Everyone showed great concentration and Rowan told us it was a "fantastic lesson".  I agree Rowan, thanks to everyone for trying so hard.

Music Symbols on PhotoPeach

How tall are you?

This week in Maths I asked you to line up from tallest to shortest.  You worked out how to do this by standing back to back or eye to eye to see who was the tallest.  I then asked how we would measure ourselves if we wanted to be accurate.  We worked out that we would use the metre ruler.  Once we had measured ourselves using the metre rulers I asked you to line up again.  There were a few changes in order when we had ordered using accurate measurements.

How tall are you? on PhotoPeach

The Cottingley Fairies

In our topic work this week we have been looking at the real story of the Cottingley Fairies.
Click on the picture to find out more about the story.


After learning about the Cottingley Fairies we made our own fairies and photographed them in our class woods.  Have a look and see if they fool you.

Fieldhead Fairies on PhotoPeach

Fairies come to Fieldhead Carr

This week a new fairy habitat was found in our challenge area.  We also received a letter from Fairy Twinkletoes that told us that the Whinmoor fairies were looking for a new home as their homes at the bottom of the garden were being destroyed by too many trampolines!!!!  Year 1 got to work writing information texts to the fairies to let them know about the fairy habitat that they could have if they came to Year 1's classroom. 

I have left the information texts in our school garden. Hopefully the fairies will like the information that you have all written and we may have some new visitors next week.

Fairy land on PhotoPeach

Sunday, 12 May 2013

minibeast sorting

Can you play this game sorting minibeast.  You have to decide how to sort the minibeast and label the sets.

Click on the spider to play the game.

Sumdog Competition

There a new sumdog competition running until Friday 18th May.  Have a go and lets see if we can get Fieldhead Carr on the sumdog leader board.

Click on the logo to log on.

Laptop excitment

WE have been so excited to use our new laptops.  In our ICT lesson Mrs Longhawn demonstrated how to use the laptops by plugging one into our class Interactive whiteboard.  Groups of children then worked using the laptops to create an information text about minibeasts.  Big thanks to Bobby who took the photos of the class demonstration without any adult help.

laptop excitement on PhotoPeach

Next week we will be using the laptops in our literacy lesson to work individually on our minibeast information texts

Identifying 3D and 2D shapes

This week we have been playing games and using an identification key to identify 2D and 3D shapes.  Have a look at the slide show to see how much fun we had.

3D Shapes on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Skelton wood trip

This week we visited Skelton woods as part of our geography work.  Each group made a journey stick during their walk through the woods.

When Australian Aboriginals went on long journeys they tied objects to a stick. They
would start at one end of the stick and work along it as they travelled. The objects would help them to remember events and experiences on their journey and to tell others of their

By making our own journey sticks we were able to map what we could find in our local environment.  Each group carried a leaf bag as well into which they put lots of different leaves that they found.  The journey sticks and leaf bags are now on our challenge table so that they can be investigated using our non fiction books.

Can you find out what tree the leaves came from????

Skelton Wood Trip on PhotoPeach

Can you remember what tree a conker comes from?????

Library visit

Last week we went on a trip to the library.  We are looking at non fiction information texts in literacy and we were able to borrow loads of interesting books.  Inga the librarian helped us to understand how to find non fiction books using a fun quiz.

Library visit on PhotoPeach

We also used the trip to write a recount about our visit. All the children did a fantastic job of ordering the events of the trip and using time openers in their recounts.

A big thank you to Inga and the team at library and to all my fantastically behaved class.

Science investigation - What do plants need to grow

Last week we set up an investigation using cress seeds to find out what a seed needs to grow.
We had four groups and they all grew the seeds under different conditions.  The photos show the results of our investigation.

What does a seed need to grow? on PhotoPeach

Winter group, who had grown their seeds in the dark asked, "if we leave the yellow cress in the light will it turn green?"  This was such a super question that we just had to test it out.  We left the yellow cress seeeds previously grown in the dark on the window sill for 3 days and......................................................................................................................


Well done to half the class who predicted that this would be the result.

Let me know if you are growing any seeds at home and how they are getting on.

Independent learning around our topic.

Have a look at the super learning that the children have been doing around the theme of our topic "Down at the bottom of the garden".

Independent learning on PhotoPeach

St George and the dragon

Last week on Tuesday the 23rd April it was St George's day.  We looked at the story in our RE lesssons.  Have a look at us role playing the story using our masks.

St George and the dragon on PhotoPeach

Bean seed planting

IN the first week of term we planted a bean seed.  Have a look at the pictures to see how we did it.

Bean seed planting on PhotoPeach

All the children have a bean diary to fill in each week.  Lots of the children have been telling me that their seed is growing really well.  Remember that you will need to bring back the seedling on Mon 20th May so that we can plant them in the school garden.

Please leave a comment to let me know how your seed is doing.