Saturday, 26 January 2013

Testing materials

The challenge was to find the right material for a pizza delivery man's jacket.  We first looked at the properties that the jacket would need.  We decided it would have to be waterproof, strong and flexible.  We then thought about how to test the four materials that we had to choose from. We scrunched all of the materials and found that all were flexible.  We then took the materials to the water tray where we poured water over them to see if our covered hands would stay dry.  Only two materials passed the waterproof test so we moved to the rip test, where we tested how strong the two waterproof materials were.  Look at our pictures to see which material was the winner.

Testing materials on PhotoPeach

Great science work year 1, you did a fantastic job at finding the best material for the job.

Making and eating our own Pizzas

Last week we wrote our own instructions for making pizza and this week we have been able to follow these instructions to make our own yummy creations.  We ate our pizza at breaktime and it was the envy of everyone in the playground.....we could start our own year 1 pizza business if only our role play kitchen was real!!!  Well done Year 1, great cooking. It must have been the great instructions.

Yummy pizzas on PhotoPeach

Creating "fruit cocktails"

This week in maths we have been reading recipe instructions and making "fruit cocktails" for our pizza parlour.  The children were fantastic at reading the scale and quickly learnt that to be accurate they had to put the jug on a flat surface to measure.

Making Fruit Cocktails on PhotoPeach

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Following instructions

In literacy this week we have been following instructions to make Jam sandwiches.  Two of the groups were also able to write their own instructions that documented how to prepare to make the sandwiches and included the all important instruction to wash your hands.

Jam sandwiches on PhotoPeach

We also wrote our own instructions on How to make a pizza.  Next week we will be following our own instructions to make the pizza.  Lets hope they are as tasty as the sandwiches.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Identifying materials

Our science topic this half term is materials.  We have been looking at identifying materials using our senses.  To do this we used feely boxes and small boxes.  We had to describe the properties of the materials we could smell or touch and use these properties to predict what material the object was made from.

Identifying materials on PhotoPeach

Can you play these games to practise naming and sorting materials.

Let me know how you get on.

Pizza Parlour

Our new topic is "Take it away......"  Everyone has been enjoying learning in our new role play area "Pronto Pizza".  We have also been designing and making our own pizzas.

Pronto Pizza on PhotoPeach

Tens and Units

Tens and Units on PhotoPeach For our first maths lesson back we have been looking at identifying tens and units in 2 digit numbers.  We used a tower of ten cube tower and single unit cubes to show the number.  Well done everyone you worked very hard.

Try out this game to practise identifying tens and units.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013


This year the Christmas pantomime was all about keeping safe on the roads.  The road safety message was clear and all the children had great fun joining in and helping Rudolph.

Road safety pantomime on PhotoPeach

A couple of weeks before, we had looked at road safety in our topic lessons and you all enjoyed playing this game.  Have a go and let me know how you get on.

Fantastic independent learning

Well done to this superstar who drew a fantastic Nativity scene independently after we had completed our nativity story wheels.  His labelling was excellent.

Independent learning on PhotoPeach


These children have got their Bronze award this term.  Well done I am so proud of you all.

Bronze award on PhotoPeach


In our RE lessons we have been learning about the meaning behind a Christingle. Christingle means ‘Christ’s Light’ and it is a symbol of the Christian faith. Lots of churches hold Christingle services around Christmas time.

Each part of a Chrtsingle represents a different part of the Christian faith.  Can you remember what each part stands for???

Have a look at us making our Christingles.

Christingle on PhotoPeach

We have also been looking at the Nativity story and we made a story wheel to help us to retell the story to each other.

Nativity story wheel on PhotoPeach

Christmas party

We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party with some great party games and lovely food.  It was topped off by a flying visit from the big man himself......Santa!!!

Christmas Party on PhotoPeach