Sunday, 22 January 2012

Hot Chocolate

Over the next few weeks we will be offering the children a drink of hot chocolate one moring a week.  The idea is to help children practise their use of money in a real life context.  We will be using pretend money to make a different amount each time the children buy the hot chocolate.  The hot chocolate will be made with water so that all the children can participate.  If you have any questions about our new money initiative please let me know.


Please remember Monday is out first spelling "test".  I know the children have been practising very hard and I'm sure there's been lots of great learning.

Check out our fantastic work

This week the children have been working so hard.  We had an art and drama focus during our topic lessons and the children produced some super work. 

These magnificent collage teapots are just a sample of the super work that everyone did.  I love  the furry handle for comfort.
We showed some of the observational rose paintings in our KS1 achievement assembly, they were very impressive.

In Literacy we have completed our class dictionary and this week the children showed even more independence in their writing .
We have over 60 words in our dictionary and it's ready for children to use in their independent work.

In maths we have continued to look at partitioning a 2 digit number.  Having this week to consolidate learning has been fantastic and all the children have shown an increased confidence in identifying tens and units.

                                  Great use of your abacus to show a given number girls.
                                            What numbers could they have made here?

Working together to show the right number of tens and units.

Well done children I am so proud of your hard work.  Hope you have a big rest this weekend see you soon.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

A fantastic week!

What an excellent week we have had in Year 1. Everyone has enjoyed watching the Alice in Wonderland movie and the children’s recall of the plot and characters was excellent. We also had our first visit as a whole class to the ICT suite where we created fantastic pictures of Alice and the Cheshire cat. Look out for these in our role play area.

Next week our focus is on Drama and Art with the children acting out the Mad Hatter’s tea party, painiting the Red Queen’s roses and creating collage teapots!

In maths we have been learning to partition numbers into tens and units. We did this in a practical way using playdough and cubes.

Can you tell me how many towers of 10 would you need to make the number 28?

Check out this shark game it is a great way to practice your partioning skills. Let me know what you think of the game.

Can't wait for another week of fun, see you on Monday.

Mrs Longhawn

Saturday, 7 January 2012

A fantastic start to the New Year

At last the New Year has started. I have spent my Christmas holidays looking forward to meeting  Year 1 again.  The children (and staff) have been superstars and have made me feel very welcome.  All the children have worked really hard this week especially with their independent writing about their Christmas holidays.  I was very proud our budding authors.

          The children spotted rhyming words in the puzzle then wrote a caption for the rhyme.

           The girls were making their own number lines which showed the vlaue of
           each number 1 - 20.

Our topic this term is "The Mad Hatters tea party". Next week we will be finding out all about the adventures of Alice in Wonderland and creating our tea party role play area together.

Mrs Longhawn

Monday, 2 January 2012

One Big Christmas Party and we all met Santa!!!!

Pass the Parcel First!!

 Then we surprised Miss Caddle a special picture from all of us.
" Thank you Year 1 the picture is in my special place at home...

Then we met Santa it was so exciting!! 

Santa came back and we all had our pictures with him...

Then we drank and ate cake....
 I think the children were a little suspicious  of this gentleman. 
 I can't think why - can you?

A great time was had by all....

Have a great New Year - Year 1!!!

Making Christmas Pictures!