Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Victorian School Day

WE have had the best day today in Victorian school.  Have a look at our photos to see just how much fun and to find out what we have been learning.

Lining up ready to walk to the Victorian classroom. 
Of course the boys were first in the line.

The "scary" Victorian teacher Miss McNulty.

Standing behind their chairs waiting to be told to sit down.

Sitting down in silence.

Explaining our classroom rules. One of the hardest to follow was for
all children to write with their right hands.

Learning to use an ink pen.

Mastering the spinning top.

Drawing pictures of what we looked like in our victorian costumes.

Can you get the ball in the cup?

Playing marbles.

Listening to the Victorian Teacher's diary.  We heard how a child
was puched into the cesspit and became very ill.

Inspecting the children's hands.  Cleanliness was very important
to the Victorians.

Hearing all about life working in the mill.

Learning how to use the carbolic soap.

Being taught how to spin the top by a master.

Writing using a slate and slate pen.....the squeaky noise was horrible.

Oh no what has this pupil done to wear the dunce's cap.

Copy writing.

Tasting the mill workers porridge.

Maths the Victorian way.

That teacher looks cross and she has her cane to hand!!!

Receiving his punishment very bravely !!!
(please note no children were harmed in the making of this reconstruction !!)

Copy writing forming each letter separately then using the blotting paper.

It realy was the most fantastic day and the children were buzzing with all their learning.  Thank you to all parents who helped with such fantastic costumes.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Making a history time line

In history lessons we have been learning about the Victorians.  To help us understand when the Victorians were around and what happened during their era we have been looking at key events from this year to the year that Queen Victoria became Queen.  This history time line will be displayed in our classroom.

The children found it very interesting to talk about the first gramaphone and compate it to the devices that we can listen to music on today.

Book sharing

These authors visited nursery with their super books on colour that they had written themselves.  They read and showed them to the nursery children demonstrating super speaking skills.

Super Sorting

These super sorters have used the tweezers to sort the animals.  Can you think of another way to sort these animals?

 These clever children also used the camera by themselves to take these pictures.

Easter in October ????

We have been busy making bunny ears for an exciting new calendar that the Friends of Fieldhead are putting together.  You will have to buy the calendar to see all the cute bunnies.