Saturday, 24 March 2012

Golden Child


Olivia you could go in the Gold book every week with your happy smile and super attitude. It is a pleasure to have you in our class.

Easter tree

We have created our own Easter tree.  We all hunted for the eggs outside in the playground then discovered that each egg had part of the Easter story on it.  We read each egg, placing each one onto our Easter tree.  We then followed up this speaking and listening activity by sequencing and retelling the Easter story.  Eggcellent work guys !!!

Celebrating in style

This week we have had our pyjama party to celebrate filling our cube tub.  We get cubes in class for outstanding behaviour, working hard and super achievements.  As a class we voted on what our celebration would be and the majority of children chose a pyjama party.  Mrs Longhawn got baking and everyone enjoyed buns and juice with some amazing dancing,  all in our pyjamas !!!

Doing the conga !!

A super breakdancer

the girls have got rhythmn !!
Keep working hard guys so that we can have another celebration soon.

Fun with poetry

Over the last two weeks we have been looking at reading, performing and creating our own own poetry.  Last week we used a Spike Milligan poem "On the Ning, Nang, Nong" to perform using musical instruments.  The children were excellent at choosing a musical instrument that matched the rhyming words in the poem.  Each group performed their version of the poem to the class and three children bravely performed the poem in our KS1 assembly........with lots of giggling !!!

Check out this link to the children's poetry archive you could learn more about Spike Milligan, listen to recordings of his poetry and search for poetry by other poets.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

World Maths Day

Year One really enjoyed World Maths Day and won some fantastic maths battles with children from all over the world.

Signs of Spring

On Tuesday we took advantage of the weather and went to the garden to prepare the ground for our potato planting next week.  We are entering the Potato Council's competition to see who can grow the most potatoes,  yes there is actually a potato council !!!  After some weeding we searched the gardens for signs of spring. 
The potato bed before we cleared it.

One of the signs of spring that we found.  Can you name the plant?

Next week we will be planting the potatos lets hope the weather is good!!

World Book Day

We had a fantastic time on World Book day looking at a tale from Bangladesh called The old Woman and the Red Pumpkin.  As well as reading the story we also tasted the food of Bangladesh, tried on a sari to act out the story, painted masks of the animals in the story and compared our life in England to that of children in Bangladesh.  Take a look at the pictures to see how much fun we had.

Here the children act out the story using their painted masks.

The children painting their animal masks

The girls are thinking about their homes, favourite food and transport in England and comparing it to Bangladesh.

Trying a vegtable curry, like the one the old woman ate in the story.

Traditional sweets like the ones eaten in Bangladesh.  Everyone loved these!!!