I have finally found time to publish the photos of our class trip to Ilkley. Have a look at how much fun we had.
Ilkley trip - part 1 on PhotoPeach
Ilkley trip - part 2 on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Boat Adventures
Over the next few weeks in literacy we will be looking at recount texts. I have loaded a link to a really interesting film called Little Boat by Nelson Boles. We will be watching this film and seeing if can recount the adventures that the boat has.
How do you think the Little Boat was repaired?
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Toy game
Here is the toy website we have been using in topic lessons this week. Have a go at sorting old and new toys and describing them using their properties.
Map reading
Last week we did another exciting activity with year 5. As part of their geography lessons they had drawn maps of the playground and then some of the class had hidden numbered flags in the playground. Working in teams we had to search the playground to find the numbered flags and then plot them onto a playground map. This was a real test of our ability to read a map.
Map reading on PhotoPeach
Map reading on PhotoPeach
Reverend Heather visits
Last week in RE we were lucky enough to have Reverend Heather visit us and share with us what she does in her role as a Reverend and the clothes that she wears. You all asked very thoughtful questions and took the opportunity to recap the Easter story with Reverend Heather.
Reverend Heather visit on PhotoPeach
Thank you Reverend Heather.
Reverend Heather visit on PhotoPeach
Thank you Reverend Heather.
Maths - telling the time and sharing
Maths on PhotoPeach
Take a look at our maths work from last week. We did a great job in our first lessons on sharing well done year 1.
Take a look at our maths work from last week. We did a great job in our first lessons on sharing well done year 1.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Our science topic this half term is forces. We all had fun exploring push and pull forces using play dough, sorting toys and investigating how a water wheel / toy car / paper aeroplane moves.
Check out our photos and then test your knowledge about forces by playing the game and taking the quiz.
Forces on PhotoPeach
Click on the picture to play the game and take the quiz.
Check out our photos and then test your knowledge about forces by playing the game and taking the quiz.
Forces on PhotoPeach
Click on the picture to play the game and take the quiz.
Shopping game
Archimboldo Art
Last week we looked at the work of Guiseppe Archimboldo.
He came from Italy and was creating art over 400 years ago. He used fruit, vegetables and parts of plants to create imaginative pictures. The ones below represent each of the seasons. Can you guess which season each painting represents?
In year 1 we had used a selection of fruit and vegetables to see if we could depict a face. Have a look at our art and let us know which is your favourite.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Telling the time
This week in maths we will be learning to tell the time to the half hour. Try out your skills using this game. The game does ask you to tell the time to the hour, half past and quarter past but you can either work with an adult to help you or you can click on the next button and miss out the quarter times.
Let me know how you find the game.
Let me know how you find the game.
Quadblogging excitement
I have got exciting news year 1 have been partnered with three different schools to share our news and learning. Each week we will look at the blog from a different school, find out all about their exciting learning and share our feedback with them.
I've already had a sneaky peak and I found it fascinating. You will find the links for each of the schools on the right hand side of this page.
A big welcome to all our new learning buddies we can't wait to share our learning with you all.
I've already had a sneaky peak and I found it fascinating. You will find the links for each of the schools on the right hand side of this page.
A big welcome to all our new learning buddies we can't wait to share our learning with you all.
Bean Planting
A huge thank you to all the children and grown ups who put so much effort into growing the bean seeds at home. The children's growing diaries were brilliant we were able to finish off the diaries in school and get the plants into our school garden. Have a look at the slide show to see how we got on planting and to see some of the super diaries.
Bean Planting on PhotoPeach
I can't wait to get back to school to find out how our plants have been doing. Let me know if you have a growing project at home. I'd love to hear about what you are growing.
Bean Planting on PhotoPeach
I can't wait to get back to school to find out how our plants have been doing. Let me know if you have a growing project at home. I'd love to hear about what you are growing.
Monday, 20 May 2013
Aztec learning
Last week year 1 were lucky enough to be invited by Year 5 to share all their Aztec learning. Year 5 had produced a powerpoint presentation on the Aztecs using the fizz notebooks and made a game to test the knowledge gained by their young students. I was so impressed by year 5 and their super teaching skills. You made the learning so much fun. Year 1 were superstar listeners and were able to test their learning on all the fun games. We all had a great time year 5 thank you.
Year 5 Aztec learning on PhotoPeach
Year 5 Aztec learning on PhotoPeach
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Using music symbols
This week in music we have been using symbols to tell us how to play our instruments. Everyone showed great concentration and Rowan told us it was a "fantastic lesson". I agree Rowan, thanks to everyone for trying so hard.
Music Symbols on PhotoPeach
Music Symbols on PhotoPeach
How tall are you?
This week in Maths I asked you to line up from tallest to shortest. You worked out how to do this by standing back to back or eye to eye to see who was the tallest. I then asked how we would measure ourselves if we wanted to be accurate. We worked out that we would use the metre ruler. Once we had measured ourselves using the metre rulers I asked you to line up again. There were a few changes in order when we had ordered using accurate measurements.
How tall are you? on PhotoPeach
How tall are you? on PhotoPeach
The Cottingley Fairies
In our topic work this week we have been looking at the real story of the Cottingley Fairies.
Click on the picture to find out more about the story.

After learning about the Cottingley Fairies we made our own fairies and photographed them in our class woods. Have a look and see if they fool you.
Fieldhead Fairies on PhotoPeach
Click on the picture to find out more about the story.
After learning about the Cottingley Fairies we made our own fairies and photographed them in our class woods. Have a look and see if they fool you.
Fieldhead Fairies on PhotoPeach
Fairies come to Fieldhead Carr
This week a new fairy habitat was found in our challenge area. We also received a letter from Fairy Twinkletoes that told us that the Whinmoor fairies were looking for a new home as their homes at the bottom of the garden were being destroyed by too many trampolines!!!! Year 1 got to work writing information texts to the fairies to let them know about the fairy habitat that they could have if they came to Year 1's classroom.
I have left the information texts in our school garden. Hopefully the fairies will like the information that you have all written and we may have some new visitors next week.
Fairy land on PhotoPeach
I have left the information texts in our school garden. Hopefully the fairies will like the information that you have all written and we may have some new visitors next week.
Fairy land on PhotoPeach
Sunday, 12 May 2013
minibeast sorting
Can you play this game sorting minibeast. You have to decide how to sort the minibeast and label the sets.
Click on the spider to play the game.
Click on the spider to play the game.
Sumdog Competition
There a new sumdog competition running until Friday 18th May. Have a go and lets see if we can get Fieldhead Carr on the sumdog leader board.
Click on the logo to log on.
Click on the logo to log on.
Laptop excitment
WE have been so excited to use our new laptops. In our ICT lesson Mrs Longhawn demonstrated how to use the laptops by plugging one into our class Interactive whiteboard. Groups of children then worked using the laptops to create an information text about minibeasts. Big thanks to Bobby who took the photos of the class demonstration without any adult help.
laptop excitement on PhotoPeach
Next week we will be using the laptops in our literacy lesson to work individually on our minibeast information texts
laptop excitement on PhotoPeach
Next week we will be using the laptops in our literacy lesson to work individually on our minibeast information texts
Identifying 3D and 2D shapes
This week we have been playing games and using an identification key to identify 2D and 3D shapes. Have a look at the slide show to see how much fun we had.
3D Shapes on PhotoPeach
3D Shapes on PhotoPeach
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Skelton wood trip
This week we visited Skelton woods as part of our geography work. Each group made a journey stick during their walk through the woods.
By making our own journey sticks we were able to map what we could find in our local environment. Each group carried a leaf bag as well into which they put lots of different leaves that they found. The journey sticks and leaf bags are now on our challenge table so that they can be investigated using our non fiction books.
Can you find out what tree the leaves came from????
Skelton Wood Trip on PhotoPeach
Can you remember what tree a conker comes from?????
When Australian Aboriginals went on long journeys they tied objects to a stick. They
would start at one end of the stick and work along it as they travelled. The objects would help them to remember events and experiences on their journey and to tell others of theiradventures.
By making our own journey sticks we were able to map what we could find in our local environment. Each group carried a leaf bag as well into which they put lots of different leaves that they found. The journey sticks and leaf bags are now on our challenge table so that they can be investigated using our non fiction books.
Can you find out what tree the leaves came from????
Skelton Wood Trip on PhotoPeach
Can you remember what tree a conker comes from?????
Library visit
Last week we went on a trip to the library. We are looking at non fiction information texts in literacy and we were able to borrow loads of interesting books. Inga the librarian helped us to understand how to find non fiction books using a fun quiz.
Library visit on PhotoPeach
We also used the trip to write a recount about our visit. All the children did a fantastic job of ordering the events of the trip and using time openers in their recounts.
A big thank you to Inga and the team at library and to all my fantastically behaved class.
Library visit on PhotoPeach
We also used the trip to write a recount about our visit. All the children did a fantastic job of ordering the events of the trip and using time openers in their recounts.
A big thank you to Inga and the team at library and to all my fantastically behaved class.
Science investigation - What do plants need to grow
Last week we set up an investigation using cress seeds to find out what a seed needs to grow.
We had four groups and they all grew the seeds under different conditions. The photos show the results of our investigation.
What does a seed need to grow? on PhotoPeach
Winter group, who had grown their seeds in the dark asked, "if we leave the yellow cress in the light will it turn green?" This was such a super question that we just had to test it out. We left the yellow cress seeeds previously grown in the dark on the window sill for 3 days and......................................................................................................................
Well done to half the class who predicted that this would be the result.
Let me know if you are growing any seeds at home and how they are getting on.
We had four groups and they all grew the seeds under different conditions. The photos show the results of our investigation.
What does a seed need to grow? on PhotoPeach
Winter group, who had grown their seeds in the dark asked, "if we leave the yellow cress in the light will it turn green?" This was such a super question that we just had to test it out. We left the yellow cress seeeds previously grown in the dark on the window sill for 3 days and......................................................................................................................
Well done to half the class who predicted that this would be the result.
Let me know if you are growing any seeds at home and how they are getting on.
Independent learning around our topic.
Have a look at the super learning that the children have been doing around the theme of our topic "Down at the bottom of the garden".
Independent learning on PhotoPeach
Independent learning on PhotoPeach
St George and the dragon
Last week on Tuesday the 23rd April it was St George's day. We looked at the story in our RE lesssons. Have a look at us role playing the story using our masks.
St George and the dragon on PhotoPeach
St George and the dragon on PhotoPeach
Bean seed planting
IN the first week of term we planted a bean seed. Have a look at the pictures to see how we did it.
Bean seed planting on PhotoPeach
All the children have a bean diary to fill in each week. Lots of the children have been telling me that their seed is growing really well. Remember that you will need to bring back the seedling on Mon 20th May so that we can plant them in the school garden.
Please leave a comment to let me know how your seed is doing.
Bean seed planting on PhotoPeach
All the children have a bean diary to fill in each week. Lots of the children have been telling me that their seed is growing really well. Remember that you will need to bring back the seedling on Mon 20th May so that we can plant them in the school garden.
Please leave a comment to let me know how your seed is doing.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Finding 10 more or less
In maths this week we have been finding 10 more or less than a given number using a magic number finder. The number finder can reveal the number that is 10 more or less when we use it with a 100 square. We have had great discussions about the patterns we can see in the 100 square using our knowledge of tens and units.
Finding 10 more or less. on PhotoPeach
Click on this link to play a game that helps you practise finding 10 less or 10 more.
Welcome back
Welcome back after what I hope was a fabulous chocolatey holiday. Our new topic this term is Down at the bottom of the garden. We will be looking at animals, plants and imaginary creatures that could live at the bottom of our gardens.
One of our first jobs is to make a bug trap in our school garden. We will be exploring our catches next week and drawing and labelling our finds.
Bug hunting on PhotoPeach
One of our first jobs is to make a bug trap in our school garden. We will be exploring our catches next week and drawing and labelling our finds.
Bug hunting on PhotoPeach
Saturday, 9 March 2013
World maths day
Wednesday was World Maths day and we all took part in games using the world maths website in our classroom. Unfortunately when it was our turn in the ICT suite the serva was too busy to let us onto the world maths website. It didn't stop us having maths fun though as we turned to the Leeds Sumdog competition and I'm sure our hard work contricbuted to Fieldhead carr getting another winner's certificate from sumdog. Well done everyone.
World Maths day on PhotoPeach
World Maths day on PhotoPeach
World Book Day
What a fantastic day we had on Thursday. Thanks to all the mums and dads for the super costumes that the children were wearing. I really enjoyed being highway rat but was a bit disappointed that no one had any cake that I could steal!!!
We looked at Julia Donaldson books all day doing things like a book hunt around school, writing book reports and ordering the story of Room on the Broom. Thanks to Jake's dad and Jacob's grandad for coming into school to read with the children. The boys were absorbed in the books you read with them.
We looked at Julia Donaldson books all day doing things like a book hunt around school, writing book reports and ordering the story of Room on the Broom. Thanks to Jake's dad and Jacob's grandad for coming into school to read with the children. The boys were absorbed in the books you read with them.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Maths marvellous maths
A new Leeds sumdog competition started on Friday and will remain open until Friday 7th March. We did so well in the last one and I know that year 1 helped us to achieve lots of points. Click here to play your favourite sumdog game and help our school to win!
Next Wednesday it will be world maths day. We will have some time in the ICT suite to battle schools accross the world but you can practise playing the games bfore Wednesday using the passwords that were sent home last week.
Good luck
Next Wednesday it will be world maths day. We will have some time in the ICT suite to battle schools accross the world but you can practise playing the games bfore Wednesday using the passwords that were sent home last week.
Good luck
Our new topic is "The Mad Hatters tea party". I have found this great site hosted by Tate Liverpool who had an exhibition of wonderland paintings recently. They developed a series of games to test different parts of your brain. The games are great and together with an adult you can find out more about how your brain works.
Let me know what you think.
Maths activties
Last week in maths we were learning to use positional language like forwards, backwards, left and right. We were also making half and quarter turns. Have a look at the activties we gor involved in.
History games
Last week we had great fun playing the games that our parents and grandparents would have played at parties. Mrs Longhawn had a ladybird book that showed the party games - hunt the thimble, blind man's buff and oranges and lemons. The book was first published in 1960.......the book belongs to Mr Longhawn.......honest!!!
Let me know if you play these games at any of your parties.
Let me know if you play these games at any of your parties.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Party time
At the end of last half term the children had earned a party for all their fantastic behaviour and good work. They voted for a pyjama party. Just take a look at how much fun we had.
Party time on PhotoPeach
Party time on PhotoPeach
Story telling
Some more great photos showing children telling our talk for writing story "The old woman and the Red Pumpkin"
Story telling on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Ordering objects from heaviest to lightest.
In maths this week we have been ordering objects from heaviest to lightest. We felt the objects first then used the scales to check if we were right.
Ordering objects according to weight on PhotoPeach
Ordering objects according to weight on PhotoPeach
Baptism ceremony
We have been looking at the Christian ceremony of Baptism this week. We held a number of baptisms around our "font" in which children took the different roles of Vicar, Godparents, Parents and guests.
Baptism Ceremony on PhotoPeach
Let me know if you have been to a christening and what you saw.
Baptism Ceremony on PhotoPeach
Let me know if you have been to a christening and what you saw.
Shrove Tuesday
What fun we have had today. We learnt about the traditions of Shrove Tuesday and how in the olden days pancakes were made to use up all the fresh ingredients that would not be eaten during the Christian season of Lent. We had a pancake race and then had a pancake feast choosing syrup or chocolate as our toppings.
Shrove Tuesday on PhotoPeach
How many pancakes will we eat tonight????
Shrove Tuesday on PhotoPeach
How many pancakes will we eat tonight????
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Repeating patterns
We have been using the dough to see if we could make a repeating pattern. As we used the shape cutters we were also able to discuss the properties of the shapes we used.
Repeating patterns on PhotoPeach
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Safer Internet day
On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day.
With lots of children in our class using the internet for gaming and messaging and also using mobile phones it was important to look at the some key messages to help the children keep safe.
We looked at Kim and Lee's adventure cartoon. They meet a character called Superhero SID who helps children to keep safe on the internet.
With lots of children in our class using the internet for gaming and messaging and also using mobile phones it was important to look at the some key messages to help the children keep safe.
We looked at Kim and Lee's adventure cartoon. They meet a character called Superhero SID who helps children to keep safe on the internet.
Can you remember Superhero SIDs 4 top tips for keeping safe?????
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Testing materials
The challenge was to find the right material for a pizza delivery man's jacket. We first looked at the properties that the jacket would need. We decided it would have to be waterproof, strong and flexible. We then thought about how to test the four materials that we had to choose from. We scrunched all of the materials and found that all were flexible. We then took the materials to the water tray where we poured water over them to see if our covered hands would stay dry. Only two materials passed the waterproof test so we moved to the rip test, where we tested how strong the two waterproof materials were. Look at our pictures to see which material was the winner.
Testing materials on PhotoPeach
Great science work year 1, you did a fantastic job at finding the best material for the job.
Testing materials on PhotoPeach
Great science work year 1, you did a fantastic job at finding the best material for the job.
Making and eating our own Pizzas
Last week we wrote our own instructions for making pizza and this week we have been able to follow these instructions to make our own yummy creations. We ate our pizza at breaktime and it was the envy of everyone in the playground.....we could start our own year 1 pizza business if only our role play kitchen was real!!! Well done Year 1, great cooking. It must have been the great instructions.
Yummy pizzas on PhotoPeach
Yummy pizzas on PhotoPeach
Creating "fruit cocktails"
This week in maths we have been reading recipe instructions and making "fruit cocktails" for our pizza parlour. The children were fantastic at reading the scale and quickly learnt that to be accurate they had to put the jug on a flat surface to measure.
Making Fruit Cocktails on PhotoPeach
Making Fruit Cocktails on PhotoPeach
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Following instructions
In literacy this week we have been following instructions to make Jam sandwiches. Two of the groups were also able to write their own instructions that documented how to prepare to make the sandwiches and included the all important instruction to wash your hands.
Jam sandwiches on PhotoPeach
We also wrote our own instructions on How to make a pizza. Next week we will be following our own instructions to make the pizza. Lets hope they are as tasty as the sandwiches.
Jam sandwiches on PhotoPeach
We also wrote our own instructions on How to make a pizza. Next week we will be following our own instructions to make the pizza. Lets hope they are as tasty as the sandwiches.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Identifying materials
Our science topic this half term is materials. We have been looking at identifying materials using our senses. To do this we used feely boxes and small boxes. We had to describe the properties of the materials we could smell or touch and use these properties to predict what material the object was made from.
Identifying materials on PhotoPeach
Can you play these games to practise naming and sorting materials.
Let me know how you get on.
Identifying materials on PhotoPeach
Can you play these games to practise naming and sorting materials.
Let me know how you get on.
Pizza Parlour
Our new topic is "Take it away......" Everyone has been enjoying learning in our new role play area "Pronto Pizza". We have also been designing and making our own pizzas.
Pronto Pizza on PhotoPeach
Pronto Pizza on PhotoPeach
Tens and Units
Tens and Units on PhotoPeachFor our first maths lesson back we have been looking at identifying tens and units in 2 digit numbers. We used a tower of ten cube tower and single unit cubes to show the number. Well done everyone you worked very hard.
Try out this game to practise identifying tens and units.
Try out this game to practise identifying tens and units.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
This year the Christmas pantomime was all about keeping safe on the roads. The road safety message was clear and all the children had great fun joining in and helping Rudolph.
Road safety pantomime on PhotoPeach
A couple of weeks before, we had looked at road safety in our topic lessons and you all enjoyed playing this game. Have a go and let me know how you get on.
Road safety pantomime on PhotoPeach
A couple of weeks before, we had looked at road safety in our topic lessons and you all enjoyed playing this game. Have a go and let me know how you get on.
Fantastic independent learning
Well done to this superstar who drew a fantastic Nativity scene independently after we had completed our nativity story wheels. His labelling was excellent.
Independent learning on PhotoPeach
Independent learning on PhotoPeach
These children have got their Bronze award this term. Well done I am so proud of you all.
Bronze award on PhotoPeach
Bronze award on PhotoPeach
In our RE lessons we have been learning about the meaning behind a Christingle.
Christingle means
‘Christ’s Light’ and it is a symbol of the Christian faith. Lots of churches
hold Christingle services around Christmas time.
Each part of a Chrtsingle represents a different part of the Christian faith. Can you remember what each part stands for???
Have a look at us making our Christingles.
Christingle on PhotoPeach
We have also been looking at the Nativity story and we made a story wheel to help us to retell the story to each other.
Nativity story wheel on PhotoPeach
Each part of a Chrtsingle represents a different part of the Christian faith. Can you remember what each part stands for???
Have a look at us making our Christingles.
Christingle on PhotoPeach
We have also been looking at the Nativity story and we made a story wheel to help us to retell the story to each other.
Nativity story wheel on PhotoPeach
Christmas party
We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party with some great party games and lovely food. It was topped off by a flying visit from the big man himself......Santa!!!
Christmas Party on PhotoPeach
Christmas Party on PhotoPeach
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